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Friday, August 17, 2012

Well.....Updates on the fam....So yesterday we woke up a little on the late side (Oops) and had to rush to get the kids dressed, fed, boys to grandmas girls with me. First off was to TareBear's and Ladybug's Ortho appt. If you have kids that need work done I recommend going to Storms Orthodontics . The staff there is so wonderful and Dr. Storms is so patient and kind, he is amazingly wonderful with the kiddos. Anywho,  TareBear is going to need some brackets put on A.S.A.P, and Ladybug is going to have 2 teeth pulled to make room for her new ones coming down and a check back in three months time.

Then it was off to Miss Mess' eye appt. But first we stopped at the hospital to deliver a special Canadian gift to our cousin N.T (A.K.A Aunty N.T), and grabbed some Subway. MMM Salad (again) since I have been going Gluten free, salad is the quickest thing I can grab without having to think it over so much.

It was a somewhat shocking appt. I never have thought that she has trouble seeing. She never complains, never has headaches or any other signs of trouble. However ( cousin Budd Stanley 's favorite word ;) ) she seems to have a lazy left eye and the poor girl has trouble seeing. We have a second oppinion on monday (the Doctor set this appt. to double check his findings). So Miss Mess may soon have glasses. She's a little bit on the scared side. She doesn't want glasses. So I have tried to think of every to cool kid we know that has glasses. Like the girls friend's R.R, B.W, A.H, S.L; And their cousins E.P, Z.T, and B.L (A.K.A NatureGirl on her Momma's Blog). Daddy's coming with us to her Appt. on monday, if it turns out that she does need glasses I hope him being there will lessen her anxiety.  On a brighter note on the subject, maybe (if she does need glasses) her reading will improve.

After the appt.'s we did school shopping, then to Sam's then home. 08:00 is when we left out, and 16:00 was our return time. PHEW, what a long day.....But it wasn't over!    I was just in time to cook dinner, feed the kids (Grandma dropped off the boys), and run out the door again.  It was meet your teacher night in Huntsville, and Five teachers to meet this year.  We started with the youngest and worked our way up.....With one tiny speed bump..... We arrived there at 18:45....ummmm hehe. I did not know that the older two had there meet until 18:30, so we missed seeing their teachers. We did see the other three though, and signed Perogie up for Football and TareBear up for Cheerleading, talked to cousins (including E.P who was wearing contacts) and to K at the office.   We set out from school, all six kids and I, and headed to Walmart to pickup a few things that I missed earlier.   At home at last (YAA!) it was 20:00.  Time to tell Daddy all about our day, get in Jam Jam's, brush those teether's, and get to bed..... for the kiddo's.....Mommy had chore's and plans that she missed doing during the day.   So after dishe's were done, and the kitchen rearranged (Yes again), I headed to bed at the oh so early hour of 01:00.  Well played Mr. Time.  Time 1 Mommy None.  Ahh well what else is new.   This update was to big to write on FB so I blogged it (Y'all are so lucky EH!).  I did not take my camera so there is no pics to go along with this novel.  But I promise, braces, and the maybe glasses, will be pictured in a future blog.   TareBear and I are still growing our hair out.  Have a long way to go, as not to chop it all off and upset Scruffy Baby.  But it will happen.   Until Next time......