Yes blogging Is a bummer for me. I can never keep up with it. Sitting down and writing seems to take to much time. But then I think about all the time I waste googling this and that, or responding to face book. Well I am going to try nightly (yes where have you heard this before? ;) ) or at least once a week to blog the goings on of my small group of humans.
So recently I was out in town with my Mother Inlaw And she took us to a nifty shop. I could live in there. I only want everything in this store! You can find them on Face Book under 410 Vintage (yes that's the name of the store, no I don't know how to properly tag them). I am planning on going back very soon! And will take pics for your viewing pleasure ;)
However Potters House is always my favorite and recently went with my cousin Candi. I had seen a vintage Costco step ladder/seat in there a few days before hand. Of course I didn't get it and thought I would kick myself for not getting it. Of course. But, when arriving with Candi I went straight to the spot and to my surprise it was sill there!! This does not happen regularly at P.H. . You see they have this cool system.... Say it gets tagged with a red sticker:
Week one red: New Arrival
Week two red: Regular Price
Week three red: 25% off
Week four red: 75% off
Week five red: .50 cents
Yes, it's super cool! I love that store :D so here is a pic of my New kitchen arrival. And so starts my blogging.... If you have tips for me, please leave comments! I would love to get the hang of this (FINALLY)
-Kees <3