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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Allright here we go!! As od recent I have opened up a new page on Face Book, Where's Your Touque Eh. As a "Lets get this party started" I have decided to giveaway a free cap rndomly picked from the list of Likers. 42 of you have joined! I'm so happy you are here and I am happy to make you a cap :)....heading over to Random.org.....Lets save and see if the widget worked ;)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Congrats to all of you lovely winners out there!!!! Thank-you to all who made this giveaway fun over the last few weeks!!! It has been fun, but in the end it came down to three lucky winners.... The First is Leslie from Body & Facial Treatments By Leslie (Find her on Facebook , and if you live in the area book her for a party!), Second is Reahannon, and the third is Meg from Megs Cochet Jewels (You can find her on Face Book and Etsy!)

So thank-you to all, and Congrats to you Winners!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Well I think it is about time for a giveaway! So here are the rules for my giveaway....

#1. the person who gets the most new "Likes" will recieve a prize (Get new members to join @Designs By Kiva on FB and make sure they say who sent them.

#2. Write down a comment on this Blog post and a name will be drawn at Random.org for a prize

And #3. will be a rondom drawing of people who follow my bog.

I think y'all can do it! Anyone can win with these odds! So please spread the word asI get busymaking something pretty for you to wear!!!! Love to all and GOOD LUCK!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gingerbread Waffles

Bring fall to the breakfast table with my kids favorite waffles!

~Heat up waffle iron ( You could make these like pancakes My Dad used to)

~Melt 1 stick of butter (8 TBL Spoons)

Mix In A Bowl

~ 3 Cups Flour
~ 4 Tsp Baking Powder
~ 2 Tsp Cinnomon
~2 Tsp Ground Ginger
~ 1 Tsp Nutmeg
~ Couple pinches of salt

In Another Bowl Beat until fluffy ( I say Frothy )

~ 2/3 Cup Dark Brown Sugar
~ 4 Large eggs

After Beating Add

~ 1 Cup Pumpkin Puree
~ 1 1/4 Cup Milk
~ 1/2 Cup Molasses

Mix a little and add the butter ( Not all of it reserve a little for the Iron and a little to add in if you think batter is to dry). Add to the dry ingriedients and fold in a few times to combined, do not over mix.

Laddle into Iron until peaks are just coverd. My Iron is preset so set yours or time yours as you would with anyother waffle.

To Go with it.....

Mulled Syrup

Have a saucepan ready..
2 bottles real maple syrup into pan (The smaller ones)
1 STICK cinnomon
1 good slice of orange zest studded with 3 whole cloves

Let simmer on low stirring often for at least 15min.

Yes it is quite the effort for breakfast, but oh so worth it! Enjoy Y'all :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Reunion

Taking a break and knitting on a scarf I started for my youngest daughter. Our Vacation is getting closer all the time, no time for Jewelry as I will be busy with my scrapbooks. I've premade one for my great Aunt. I just have to fill it with the pictures we take well seeing her ( Yess I'm taking the little printer so I can print).If I get the entire house done tonite I may make up some more for easy filling well on Hornby...Hello 5HR Energy Drink!! Oh, Did I mention that my Mum is giving me her AWSOME sewing machine???? OOOOO Sewing here I come! As of the Reunion I'm talking about, I will be seeing 2 very special friends that I spent a lifetime growing up with, and one wild summer. Sure we have all grown up since then, marriage, kids, and what not. However it will be a day to remember. The three of us have not been together in about 8 years, and it just so happens that 2 of us will be home on vacation at the same time. It will be a Reunion of friends that will last a life time. The three of us may never be able to be together at the same time again, but we wont have to think about that as we're laughing at old times together and watching the kids play with one another as we once did way back when.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Well today I'll see if I can get sometime in front of the sewing machine. I have a cute little girls romper set that I started to restore awhile back, all it needs now is some new elastics and she'll be good to go. My girls have long out grown this, but it was just one of those things I couldn't let go of. Vanessa's the only one who wore it, but I fell in love with the sweet vintage material. It was from our Aunt Jean, so who knows how many babes this has been through, but I find it darling and had to save it from the recycling center. (PS, if someone could tell me how to follow other blogs that'd be GREAT! I got on to Heathers, but for some reason I don't know how to do it again, and even ended up following myself while trying to follow Lisas's blog!)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Survived 03:00

When you look at a baby you think...Awww So sweet...and Ooo and Awww over the little scrunchie bundle. What people fail to tell you is how long they were in labor, their struggles with nursing, the swallon feet, the strech marks, the teething, the fevers, the diapers, the Temper temper twos, the weaning time where your boobs are as big as a 10LBS watermelon each. If your friends did tell you this, you may run from the very thought of having your own. But in the end, it is the best pain to have to go through to hear their first words, to watch their first steps, to have that tiny hand hold your finger as they drift off to sleep.And granted it looks like I'm running a daycare when I take my Clan of Vanderpools out, but I wouldn't trade the "Is she crazy?" looks for anything! Even the 3am morning I'm surviving today is just one tiny bump in the long road of happiness my kids take me on everyday.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello To All!

As if house work, kids, errands, and jewelry wasn't enough...now blogging? Well I'll give it a shot. So this is my blog, I guess I'll start off with the jewelry I'm currently working on.. Just a few simple pieces that were inspired by hornby since I'm visiting home this year. Lots of ocean blues, and sunny sand colors with charms of seaside grace. amongst all that my time has been filled with knitting my eldest daughter a blanket to snuggle in when she's reading, trying to teach myself how to crochet (Not going so well) and preparing for our trip to Canada. What will tomorrow bring? I don't know yet, however today will be filled with laundry, closet organizing, and cleaning out the main fridge....maybe I'll get to craft a pair of earrings tonite when all is settled down.